Hi, my name is Rok, and you’ve just landed on my personal website. Welcome!

I’ve studied computer science at FERI and currently work as a Backend Software Engineer™ at 3fs. We’re an experienced consultancy, primarily serving customers in med-tech, fin-tech, and telco industries.

Apart from software engineering, I’m also very passionate about music. My desert island instrument would probably be the ukulele - preferably a tenor or baritone. I like speciality coffee, cooking, and baking. And since all of that wasn’t enough I also recently began dabbling with photography - street, nature, and macro.

Among other platforms, you should be able to find me on Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, YouTube, Exercism, Lobsters, and various Discord channels.

Feel free to send questions and feedback related to the content on this website to hi[at]rokf.dev and I’ll try to respond in a timely manner.